This Capital Campaign is being use to raise funds for our Centennial Building Endowment Fund. Ensuring that our historic building can remain safe and update to date for many generations to come.
Please see below for more information. To donate please Click Here Thank you to our sponsor _____________, who is matching donations for the first $50,000 donated. 50% of the donations after $50,000 will be used to create the Centennial Building Fund, the other 50% will be used for the actual restoration of the building Goals: Phase 1: $100,000 $1,000 - Update Building Safety & Security $5,000 - Restore the Lincoln and Lounge Floors (First Floor) $7,500 - Restore the Historic Ballroom Floor (Second Floor) $10,000 - Replace Aging Tables & Chairs $25,000 - Restore Historic Ballroom Stage (Second Floor) $50,000 - Renovate Front Entrance Phase 2: $250,000 $50,000 - Update Electrical $100,000 - Add ADA Accessible Bathrooms $200,000 - Update Heating & Cooling $250,000 - Renovate Elevator Phase 3: $500,000 $300,000 - Tuckpoint Exterior Brick $500,000 - Replace Windows Phase 4: $1,000,000 $1,000,000 - Restore All Public Use Areas Phase 5: $2,000,000 2,000,000 - Fully Restore Building Green Lights = Inside goal level Yellow Lights = Close to hitting goal Red Lights = Surpassed goal |